Ramps & Pathways- Ramp Provocation and how it benefits STR2EAM Learning

What is Ramps and Pathways (R&P), and how is it beneficial to our young students? 

Ramps and Pathways is a STEM-based learning experience that fosters children's understanding of the world around them while building their self-esteem and confidence. Though R&P is considered a STEM experience, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, teachers can incorporate all components of STR2EAM as well. We can introduce reading by including books about bridges and tunnels like Here To There And Me To You. Another STR2EAM component we can consist of is Religion by explaining that Jesus Christ is the bridge between God and salvation. The last additional component of STREAM is art. Teachers can offer students materials to draw a blueprint of their structure before they begin connecting the materials. Ramps and Pathways open children's minds to possibilities and achievement. 

Children have the opportunity to manipulate materials such as blocks, cove molding, and marbles to create a functional structure. R&P is a practical and effective learning experience that supports children in identifying the consequences of their decisions in a safe and welcoming environment. Likewise, it stimulates teachers to offer thoughtful and purposeful input to scaffold children's learning through ramp provocationRamp provocation is the deliberate teaching of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through ramps and pathways to extend children's ideas and creativity by providing materials and modeling to ensure children's learning is engaging, challenging, and fun. 

Ramps and Pathways: Developmentally Appropriate, Intellectually Rigorous, and Fun Physical Science is an informative article that offers insight into how teachers can incorporate R&P in the classroom environment and lesson plans while explaining ways to scaffold children's learning. I would rate this article five out of five stars for its knowledgeable description of effortlessly integrating R&P into centers to motivate active investigation in young learners. Zan and Geiken remove much of the hesitancy that arises from incorporating a new activity into the classroom by addressing exact materials, space, and time requirements with ways for teachers to problem-solve any disruptions they may face. For example, the article explains the necessity for teachers to explore the activity before expecting young children to master the skill. Zan and Geiken (2010) state, "Teachers need experience with the classroom materials to understand the possibilities for learning (Zan & Geiken, 2010. p. 14)." Teachers can better prepare to support young children through their R&P journey by getting ahead of challenges that may occur. 

Another great way to prepare yourself to introduce Ramps and Pathways into an early learning setting is to watch the strategy in action. Teachers can explore the method by watching videos of how children can manipulate the components and work together for a common goal. However, it is essential to recognize all children will manage the materials and work differently during their R&P play. For example, "Learning STEM Concepts through Ramp Play" offers visuals of children who have nearly mastered Ramps and Pathways play. I would rate this video a three out of five stars because it does explore the progression of play as children gain new understandings of force and motion. Yet, it lacks specific scenarios of children resolving conflicts and problem-solving challenges that pop up during group play. Teachers must set realistic expectations, so entering into a new experience, teachers should be patient and ready to endure any hurdles with an open mind. Not to mention, the Koda brand materials used in the video are $585.00. But do not be discouraged; preschool teachers are nothing less than creative and resourceful. Look around your rooms and home. There are Ramps and Pathways available everywhere if you just experiment and explore. 

References and Resources

Josephson, L. (n.d.). Ramps and Pathways. Retrieved from https://www.csun.edu/~sb4310/STEM/Ramps%20and%20Pathways%20-%20Laura%20Josephson.pdf. 

More than a foundation: Young children are capable stem learners. MAEYC. (n.d.). https://www.naeyc.org/resources/pubs/yc/nov2017/STEM-learners

YouTube. (2016). Learning Stem Concepts through Ramp PlayYouTube. Retrieved         September 19, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p_bOLGkhrM. 

Zan, B., & Geiken, R. (2010, January). Ramps and Pathways Developmentally Appropriate, Intellectually Rigorous, and Fun Physical Science


  1. You really have a firm grasp on Ramps and Pathways in the early childhood classroom. You are correct that some situations arise during R&P activities. Part of R&P is allowing children the space and time to work through these issues that will occur with their peers from time to time. Having a solution center near by helps students work through problems that may occur.


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